When God Told David “No”


When Kind David had gained a measure of peace in his reign (most of the time during his kingship, Israel was at war with the neighbouring nations) the battles had settled down. It was time for him to think of other things. (2 Samuel 7:1-3)

A. David was embarrassed to think that he lived in a fine built house while God’s home remained in a tent.

B. It was David’s desire to build the Lord a permanent structure called a temple and told his plans to  Nathan the Prophet. 

C. Nathan thought it a fine idea and seemed certain that God would support the effort, but as we later learn Nathan forgot one important thing: He forgot to ask God.

When we desire something, do we always put God above our desires? Are we sure that what we are asking is align to His will?

Later that night, the Lord talked to Nathan and told him to correct his statement to David.

No, Thank You

2 Sameul 4:7-17

The Lord explained to David  through Nathan the Prophet that He has chosen for hundreds of years to live inside a “tent” as His place. He never asked for permanent place, though there were plenty of opportunities. God has raised up David from a lowly shepherd to mighty warrior and famous king. David doesn’t need to build a house for God to further his reputation. But it is time for Israel to settle down, so God is going to establish a permanent house to rule His people. David’s son will build a house for God and God would watch over him. God will not cut off David’s line as He did Saul’s.

How Do We Respond When God Says “No”?

There are times in our lives that we’ve asked God and had been turned down:

1.         Prayers for loved ones to be healed

2.         Prayers for better circumstances

3.         Prayers for burdens to be lifted

4.         Prayers for opportunities

How do you accept the fact when you get the results you expected/believed to happen but got turned down?

What is your attitude upon hearing the less desirable news/response?

How do you cope with the “NO”?

Do you question God? Do you get angry? Do you get confused? We all do sometimes especially if one of our heart’s desires was not answered. We somehow felt that we are unworthy of being entrusted of such things.

But David’s response was amazing. He responded with gratitude.

David didn’t sulk, he looked back at his life and was amazed at what God had done for him. He knew he wasn’t deserving of all of God’s favors and the fact that God said, “No,” to one more wasn’t a major let-down for him.

Are we like David? Do you count all the blessings God has favored you, despite you being who you are?

We should remember to look at what you have instead of what more you think you should get.

And because David responded with gratitude, he was also able to listen to what God really wanted:

God didn’t outright reject David’s idea. He told David it was a good thought  (1 Kings 8:18) But God had other plans. He had someone else in mind to build His house. So David did what he could to support God’s plan:

     1. The building would go on land that he had purchased  (1 Chronicles 21:22-26; 22:1)

     2. He negotiated and supplied material for the building project (1 Chronicles 22:2-5)

     3. He drew up plans  (1Chronicles 28:11-13)

     4. He financed much of the building (1 Chronicles 28:14-19)

     5. He planned out the services and workmen (1 Chronicles 28:21)

     6. And then he gave more and the people gave as well – (1 Chronicles 29:1-9)

Even with all this preparation, it still took Solomon seven years to actually build God’s temple. Now think a moment. If David had built the house himself, would it have been as grand? Or, would the pressures of further battles and other issues have caused David to take practical short cuts?

What we may see as an unanswered prayer may merely be God saying there is a better way.

You might get passed over a job promotion and so you missed out in earning a bigger amount of salary.

Perhaps what God really wants is you to grow in influence in the local church and serve as a leader there.

You might get a NO from someone you would like to hear a YES?

You just never know what God has planned as it is said in  Romans 8:28

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

David looked toward the future. What shocked David most was while God said, “no” to him building the Lord a house, God declared he would build David an eternal house  (2 Samuel 7:25-29)

David offered God a gift but God gave him a far greater gift in return.

How can anyone be glum over not getting what he asked for when God gives something greater?  (2 Corinthians 4:17-18)

David prayer was answered, but not in the way he expected (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Remember, what we think as best often isn’t what God thinks is best. In the end, only the Lord knows what’s best for us. We might not understand everything now but later we will. Trust God. He knows what He is doing. He is the master planner, the greatest architect,and the One who loves us the most.

        God might change our plans, but they always exceed what we expected the results to be.

Romans 8.28

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